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Surviving Thundermother-The Gems: 'Phoenix' Debut Album Is Us Working Through The Grief

The Metal Voice

Canada's The Metal Voice recently interviewed Ex-Thundermother now The Gems' vocalist Guernica Mancini and drummer Emlee Johansson about the band's new studio album 'Phoenix'. which is out now Jan 26, 2024 via Napalm Records.

Photo credit The Gems Social Media

In the chat the ladies discuss their emotional rollercoaster after parting ways with the band Thundermother which inspired the making of the LP.

Watch Full Interview here

The Gems Facebook

When asked about the themes on the debut album 'Phoenix'

"There's a lot of things that we had to get off our chest and the whole album is us basically working through the grief. So there's some angry songs, there's some frustration, there's sadness and in that mix it's still empowering and hopeful. If you listen to the album from beginning to end you get to hear basically everything, all the emotions that we went through when this happened (parting ways with Thundermother) to us. Guernica Mancini

"I mean we tried to think of other themes but on the other hand this is what we feel right now and that's the best outcome with lyrics to a song you know when you actually write something real and it was really therapeutic to put down our feelings in words. It's been helpful for us in many ways and also I think I mean this debut album is a statement like we're not going to give up basically, we're going to rise up again no matter what." Emlee Johansson '

When asked if Guernica had any regrets from over-expressing her feelings in public after she was dismissed from Thundermother

"No I don't regret anything. I feel like we are on a truth journey that's this (Phoenix) album. We're being honest and we're sick of hiding what's actually going on because of other circumstances or other people. I'm just sick of it, completely over not being truthful and we're all very truthful honest people. That's how we are as humans. So it's nice to just be yourself freely and unfiltered." Guernica Mancini

When asked if they see themselves having a relationship or conversation with current Thundermother band, if they bumped into each other at a festival or show.

"I think we will definitely avoid each other. We are honest people and I could never wish her well, unfortunately because she has hurt me very much, so I can't. I'm sorry I can't. Emlee Johansson

Mikael Hulten / Magic Dragon Productions

"I would probably just avoid her and I think maybe all of us would yeah I hate those kinds of confrontations. I would rather hide in the bushes or something like that. I would never want to see her. To be completely honest the new (Thundermother) lineup I don't know two of the girls, so I have no hard feelings towards them whatsoever So eventually I'm kind of hoping to get to talk to them because we are trying to build a nice community of female musicians who are actually supporting each other and being there for each other. Like I've said in a lot of interviews we're here when you know shit is going to hit the fan, eventually. We are here waiting for them with open arms and ready to be that support that you will need eventually. " Guernica Mancini

When asked Emlee Johansson how she had the courage to quit Thudermother when Guernica was let go

"Guernica was in the band and we had we always had each others back when things were tough. We were always happy on stage and I loved every show we played. Guernica was also really helpful to have as a real friend on tour that you could always l text or whatever. We were a band, we were a democracy, that's the way we worked in Thundermother and we split up the hard work and we did everything together. So for somebody in the band to just all of a sudden start making their own decisions that wasn't for me at all. I could never imagine myself being in that band without Guernica and also the worst thing ever business-wise (decision) to fire the singer who had the voice that made our sound was not good. " Emlee Johansson

When asked about their thoughts on the songs, on the new album

"We have made an effort to put the songs in a specific order so we take the listener on a journey. We are all over the place with influences, from the 70s and the 80s rock but somehow it's a red line through the whole album because of the theme that goes through like you're going through hard times and you still like rise up again and you never give up. We're really proud of that."- Emlee Johansson

"I think it's empowering/ We know what inspired the songs on our part but we really made an effort to make them open enough for anyone to relate to." - Guernica Mancini

THE GEMS on Phoenix:

“Phoenix marks the beginning, the rise of THE GEMS. This album takes you on a journey through one of our toughest times. Through this creative process we were able to really dig deep and let go of a lot of emotional baggage, and find true happiness in music again. The new found freedom our band has been given us shines through on this album. We couldn't be prouder of what we've accomplished, and the true Rock n Roll Sisterhood and community we've built through these few months of our existence. Phoenix is the perfect album for anyone going through a tough time, having the rug pulled out under you and somehow finding the strength to rebuild. You'll get the full range of emotions, masterfully produced by our dear friend Johan Randén, who we also wrote some of the songs with. We hope people will love Phoenix and really enjoy the epic ride this album will take you on.”


Guernica Mancini – Vocals

Emlee Johansson – Drums

Mona “Demona” Lindgren – Guitar, Bass

Tracklist Phoenix:

1 Aurora – Interlude

2 Queens

3 Send Me To The Wolves

4 Domino

5 Silver Tongue

6 Undiscovered Paths

7 Maria's Song – Interlude

8 Ease Your Pain

9 Running

10 Renaissance – Interlude

11 Like A Phoenix

12 P.S.Y.C.H.O

13 Kiss it Goodbye

14 Force Of Nature

15 Fruits Of My Labor

16 Like A Phoenix - Acoustic Version

THE GEMS - P.S.Y.C.H.O (Official Video) | Napalm Records

THE GEMS - Send Me To The Wolves (Official Video) | Napalm Records

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