Hellfest Open Air 2024 has announced the line-up on a post on social media. The festival takes place in Clisson France from June 24, 27-30, 2024
As translated
After giving you the first band names a few weeks ago, we are now able to announce the rest of the line-up for this 17th edition of Hellfest!
178 groups (+ 4 groups to announce between now and the festival), 6 stages and without a doubt one of the most open and varied in terms of “extreme music”!
- Find the playlists for each scene now on Spotify to discover the programming in detail
On the reading side, you can now find the famous "bios" of each group on our site and mobile app (a big thank you to our amazing editors: Karajuju, Wombat & Matt!)
Happy discoveries to all, see you in 212 days at CLISSON ROCK CITY!
PS: Don’t hesitate to come and discuss the line-up on:
- The Discord: discord.gg/hellfestopenair
- The forum: forum.hellfest.
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