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Adrian Vandenberg Had To Endure Six Lawsuits From Ex Members Claiming Band Name

The Metal Voice

For Canada's The Metal VoiceNeil Turbin spoke to guitarist Adrian Vandenberg at this years 'Rock for Ronnie concert in the park on May 7, 2023 at Los Encinos park for the Ronnie James Dio Stand up and shout Cancer fund.

Vandenberg spoke about the bands new album as well as the past lawsuits against him in regards to former band mates trying to use the Vandenberg band name.

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When asked if he would ever reunite with his former singer Bert Heerink

"I never want to see this guy again because he and the former bass player ( Dick Kemper) started six lawsuits against me and they lost them all. They claimed my name, my band name (Vandenberg). They said they were a part of it and so they wanted to have that name and I said no no no. I had to defend myself. It was six lawsuits, cost a lot of money and a lot of negative energy. Otherwise we could have done some reunion shows and we didn't. It is embarrassing and also because you think you are friends. Then 30 years later after I was in Whitesnake for 12 years and toured all over the world and all the stadiums you name it. They (Bert and Dick) think oh wait a minute there's money to be made so they wanted to tour without me like a Vandenberg without Vandenberg so to speak. They had the Illusions they could win so I never need to see those guys again because there was so much lying going on and those lawsuits. It's sad, yeah it's not gonna happen. "

When asked about the new Vandenberg album 'SIN'

"Right now I've got a great band together since two years. We have a single out called 'House on fire' with Mats (Leven vocalist), in three weeks there will be a second single and the album is going to come out August 2023 . The album is called 'Sin'. The second single name is called SIN and then there's a third one called 'Light it up' that's going to come out probably in about a month and a half or something. "

Vandenberg ' House on Fire'

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