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Riot Act- Recording Album of New Material & Re-recording Some Songs off First 3 Albums


Jimmy Kay spoke with Riot Act who played their first official live gig at this years Metal Hall of Fame 2020 on January 15.

Riot Act consists of original guitarist Lou Kouvaris and Rick Ventura, singer Don Chaffin, Drummer Claudio Galinski and bassist Paul Ranieri.

Jimmy Kay asked the band on what their current plans , guitarist Lou Kouvaris told The Metal Voice, "The band is planning on re-recording some songs off the first three Riot albums, Rock City, Narita and Fire Down Under and they are also in the process of recording all new material for a new album and then a tour." Riot Act singer Don Chaffin added, "We just put out a music video on a re-recording of the Riot classic Swords and Tequila and next we will be releasing another music video on the re-recording of the song Riot song Rock City and after that put out an original Riot Act song so stay tuned."

Watch Carmine Appice and Riot Act interviews here

Jimmy Kay from Canada’s The Metal Voice also spoke to legendary drummer Carmine Appice (Vanilla Fudge, Ozzy Osbourne, Cactus, King Kobra) as well as the young band under his wing Kodiak at The Metal Hall of Fame on January 15 2020 at the Marriot Delta in Anaheim California

Carmine Appice was asked about the recent passing of Neil Peart of Rush,” Neil was an inspirational part of the drumming community. He came after I did by maybe 10 years. I watched him grow and he became a huge influence on young drummers. For me I loved that track Tom Sawyer, he does a tremendous job on that doing a 7/8 timing. “ Appice continued,” Neil was the nicest guy, I met him a few times, we hung out a few times, he was always really nice. "

Riot Act (Rick Ventura missing)

Left to Right

Drummer Claudio Galinski, Jimmy Kay (the Metal Voice), guitarist Lou Kouvaris , Bassist Paul Ranieri and singer Don Chaffin

RIOT ACT "Swords & Tequila" 2019

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