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Jag Panzer North American Tour in the Works to Support 'The Deviant Chord'

Jimmy Kay from Canada's The Metal Voice spoke to guitarist Co-founder of Jag Panzer, Mark Briody on Facebook Live. Briody spoke about their new album The Deviant Chord, their classic Ample Destruction and upcoming tour

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When what the recording process was like on the new album 'The Deviant Chord' which was released in September 2017

"All the songs started with me and it took me about a year I was writing everyday and throwing out most of it. I probably wrote 80 songs and most of them were terrible I would be embarrassed to play them for anybody. I finally got it down to the ones I liked and I got Harry Conklin (Singer) involved and he would come over to the studio and he would bring in his ideas, we would make the songs better and then we would send out the songs to the other guys in the band and everybody would chip in and we would get a lot of suggestions that would take another 8 months. It was slow, probably too slow for this business."

When asked if the band is working on a Live album

"We have been wanting to do a live album for years, we have been trying to plan it, it's tough to do. It's tough to get a recording, it's tough to pick a place to do it. We have tried 3-4 times in the past. One time we wanted to do it and we got our set cut short, so that's not going to work. There has always seem to be issues. It's always on our mind and fans have always been asking for a Live album."

When asked about the success and critically acclaimed first album 'Ample Destruction' what was the bands worst decision after that

"I think we made every bad decision in the music business that was possible. The worst decision at that point listening to people telling us you had to have a major deal because we did have major labels calling us in the mid 80's . We thought ok so we have to get on a major label. There were lots of indie labels like Combat that wanted to do another album, we had another album written. The biggest mistake was not doing something right after Ample Destruction, we could have came out with another album a year and a half after Ample Destruction, huge mistake that we didn't do that."

When asked about his favorite album in the Jag Panzer catalog

For me it's 'Thane to the Throne' I love concept records and i really love every note on that record. That's a great album

When asked about up coming live dates

We will be playing 'Bang Your Head' festival in Germany. What's going on right now although you don't see any announced shows there are tons of planning going on for shows. Tours you don't see announced until they are set in stone. I'm seeing all kinds of dates coming in on my e-mail including North American Dates

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