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METAL ALLEGIANCE Show Review By THE METAL VOICE at House of Blues Jan 23, 2025: 'A High-Decibel Celebration'

The Metal Voice

Metal Allegiance is more than just a supergroup, more than just a concert, it’s a fun, low-stakes, high-intensity, high-decibel celebration of heavy music.


A revolving cast of Metal all-stars took the stage at Anaheim, CA’s House of Blues ON January 23, 2025 to run through MA originals and Heavy Metal classics. It’s incredible to see so many Heavy Metal legends onstage in one evening; you’d have to measure the explosiveness in megatons.

Jeff Loomis
Jeff Loomis

After killer opening sets from Lost Legacy, Wicked, and OTTTO (the latter featuring Robert Trujillo’s son), MA kicked thing off with the original, “Pledge Your Allegiance” (not to be confused with the Suicidal Tendencies song of the same name). For the rest of the night, the players rotated in and out like a hockey team changing lines, with Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater) backstopping the drums as the only constant. This led to some surprise appearances and some amazing reunions - - and most importantly, it led to some unforgettable performances. Some of the song selections were established classics and fan favorites, but it was every bit as epic to witness deeper cuts and nerd favorites.

Alex Skolnick
Alex Skolnick

The highlights and Special Moments:

Disposable Heroes. No Metallica song is obscure, but this was an unexpected and inspired choice. Troy Sanders (Mastodon) was on vocals for this blood-pumping rendition.

Light Up the Sky. We knew we’d get a Van Halen song when Alex Skolnick (Testament) walked out wearing a “Frankenstrat” guitar, but no one could have predicted this shredding cut from VH II.

Hy Pro Glo. Definitely an unexpected pick from Anthrax’s “Sound of White Noise” album, but it offered the opportunity for Frank Bello (Anthrax) to join John Bush (Armored Saint, Category 7, ex-Anthrax) singing the choruses.

David Ellefson
David Ellefson

Elimination. This Overkill classic is always a highlight; it always supercharges the moshpit. Bobby Blitz (Overkill) sings it with as much fire today as he did in 1990.

Territory. Derrick Green (Sepultura) joined bandmate Andreas Kisser (Sepultura) and the rest of the Metal Allegiance band to perform this crusher from the “Chaos A.D.” record.

Bobby Blitz
Bobby Blitz

Symphony of Destruction. Arch Enemy did a great live cover of this Megadeth song in the Angela Gossow days, so it was fitting for Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy) and Jeff Loomis (Nevermore, ex-Arch Enemy) to reunite onstage to rip it out. Alissa performed with clean vocals.

Dissident Aggressor. It’s always great to hear 1970s Judas Priest, but what made this special was the "surprise" appearance of Marty Friedman (ex-Megadeth) to reunite with David Ellefson (Kings of Thrash, ex-Megadeth).

Killers. Such an underappreciated Iron Maiden song. . . John Bush dedicated the song to Paul Di’Anno, and then did honor to his memory with an absolutely incredible recreation. Every scream, every line, and note - - perfect.

Frank Bello
Frank Bello

War Pigs. It’s one of the most common Black Sabbath songs to cover, but this was a standout with Mark Tornillo (Accept, ex-TT Quick) and Bobby Blitz trading off vocals. . . Oh, and the surprise appearance of Robert Trujillo (Metallica).

Iron Fist. The final song of the set. Just about every one of that evening’s Metal Allegiance performers was back onstage to sing along with this Motorhead classic.

Star player of the night: Mike Portnoy. Faced with an incredible array of songs in different styles and levels of difficulty, he played every song flawlessly with power and energy. My hat, er. . . bandana. . . is off to him.

Gary Holt
Gary Holt

So yes, it was basically one highlight after another, one emotional rush after another, one unbelievable sight after another. The joy and fun everyone was having onstage radiated through the entire crowd. Don't get the impression that this was a callous and disrespectful thing, though - - DJ Will of KNAC spoke before the headlining set and addressed the fires and suffering. There was no denial or dismissiveness toward California's wildfire disasters.

I’d named the Metal Allegiance 2024 House of Blues show as the concert of the year, but I think this year was even better. There are rumors of a new album and maybe some more tours.

Bring it on.


Pledge of Allegiance - Metal Allegiance

Fast as a Shark - Accept

Terminal Illusion - Metal Allegiance

Light Up the Sky - Van Halen

Liars and Thieves - Metal Allegiance

Let Darkness Fall - Metal Allegiance

Parasite - KISS

Disposable Heroes - Metallica

The Accuser - Metal Allegiance

Bound By Silence - Metal Allegiance

Hy Pro Glo - Anthrax

A Lesson in Violence - Exodus

Wang Dang Sweet Poontang - Ted Nugent

Mother of Sin - Metal Allegiance

Elimination - Overkill

Territory - Sepultura

Symphony of Destruction - Megadeth

Dissident Aggressor - Judas Priest

Killers - Iron Maiden

War Pigs - Black Sabbath

Iron Fist - Motorhead


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