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Drummer Ken Mary (Flotsam and Jetsam, Alice Cooper, Impellitteri) Behind The Beat with Milwaukee Tom

The Metal Voice

Ken is the powerhouse drummer for Flotsam and Jetsam with beautiful Pearl drums. Ken also has been in some great other bands like Fifth Angel, Chastain, Alice Cooper, Impellitteri, House of Lords, among others. Ken is one awesome drummer, he can combine power, along with technical precision & the speed of light, to play any style of music. What a great player!

Ken Mary has had a great career. He has been on the scene since the middle 1980’s, he’s done producing, engineering, singing, and writing. But what wasn’t so great, is that for a period into the early 90’s, Ken was having some lower back issues. Many a drummer can tell you that having any back pain can really take a toll on drumming. But through some physical therapy and some special new equipment, he’s been able to overcome those Back issues and play without major pain! That’s a benefit to us because the world is a better place with Ken Mary playing the hell out of the drums! Here’s to you Ken Mary. Cheers!

Favorite albums Ken has played on:

Chastain – “Ruler of the Wasteland.”

Flotsam and Jetsam – “The End of Chaos.”

Fifth Angel – “ Fifth Angel.”

House of Lords – “Sahara.”

Favorite Track for Drumming Ken has played on:

“Fighting to Stay Alive” – Chastain.

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