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Kelle Rhoads Interview-Details on Randy Rhoads Items Stolen at Musonia School of Music Robbery


Jimmy Kay from Canada's The Metal Voice recently spoke with Kelle Rhoads brother of Randy Rhoads and Director of the school of Musonia in North Hollywood about the recent break in and robbery at the school.

Watch interview here

When asked when the burglary happened

"This would have occurred some somewhere after Thanksgiving and before the next morning so in the middle of the night on the 28th of November 2019. We were aware of it on Friday the next day when somebody that works down in the backyard called me and said you've been broken into. It was devastating. It's bad, the Rhoads family essentially has no more pictures or memories there's no more memorabilia or pictures or anything about my brother Randy it's all gone it's devastating. Also the cabinetry of the school was vandalized, if anybody has been here they'll recognize we had beautiful wood cabinets and the ones in the grand salon had glass in them well these people didn't break any glass but they took a crowbar and a chisel to the wooden cabinets and just completely disfigured the drawers it's it's sickening to even think about it."

When asked if there were any eyewitnesses or leads

"No they robbed the place when everyone was sleeping around here. "

When asked what other items they stole

"They took Randy's amps but they left the cabinets, they were probably too heavy to take. They even stole a beautiful picture that somebody painted and a picture of me performing the inaugural show of the Randy Rhoads remembered concert series. They spent some time here they even turned one of the heaters on so they'd be warm while they were robbing us blind. They also took the first guitar that Randy ever played. And they stole a pre-world War rare French Besson trumpet that was my mom's almost all of her life and her French horn."

When asked if the robbers could have been major Randy fans or just looking to make a fast buck

"They took too much stuff that was just related to Randy they had to be fans, they knew what they were looking for. Now one thing that's really scary is what if they were hoarders and they just want to own it so they won't resell it and put it out. I can't imagine them trying to sell this stuff people are gonna know that it belongs to Musonia and get caught. Unless they're gonna sell it to a fan who just want to own anything and everything they can of Randy's and keep it private. They would have probably taken the Musonia tour because there was some stuff that that they went for that they would have been exposed to when they took the tour. "

When asked if the police has any leads

"The police aren't real cooperative right now they're kind of like we'll make a report which they did and too bad for your loss. A lot of people have been burglarized lately so good luck we'll see you bye. It's real hard to even communicate with the police either to many burglaries and the police don't have the manpower or they found a really good place to get the coffee and the donuts."


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When asked about any last comments

"We got cleaned out, they cleaned us out, they must have had a big truck and they they knew what they were looking for and they basically just cleaned us out. The school is an empty shell right now. It impacts the fans because there's nothing there to take a Rhoads tour, we were planning on making a museum here dedicated to my brother and my mom and there's nothing left to put in the museum. Right now of course we're still giving lessons but everything else is just done.

"What's weird, we were broken into almost three years ago, almost the exact same time of year in November but they only got some amps from the guitar dept. We didn't have cameras but we had Iron bars but the robbers had special bar cutters to cut those bars that is what I always thought that would be everything secure. "

"We will carry on I lived through my mom's death and my brothers death, so this is just things at the end of the day, don;t get my wrong these were very personnel things. But if I can make it the two tragedies, the death of my mom and brother I can make it through this."

Musonia School Of Music was founded in 1948, as a place where children and adults in the local community could receive music education at an affordable price. Run today by Delores's son Kelle Rhoads, Musonia continues to teach local students of all ages piano, drums, and guitar. Randy Rhoads learned how to play guitar at Musonia. After his passing, Musonia now serves a dual role as a music school and the Randy Rhoads museum.

Randy Rhoads and two others were killed on March 19, 1982 when the small plane they were flying in at Flying Baron Estates in Leesburg, Florida struck Ozzy Osbourne's tour bus, then crashed into a mansion. Rhoads was 25 years old.

Delores Rhoads died in November 2015 at the age of 95.

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