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New Blind Guardian album will be Orchestral & Released in 2019

Canada's The Metal Voice spoke to Blind Guardian's vocalist Hansi Kursch at Heavy Montreal 2016 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Hansi told The Metal Voice about Blind Guardian's plans to release a new album in 2019, " Charlie Bauerfeind (producer) was a great help there, we have had many ideas, but he at a certain point came up with the idea to drive things into a stronger direction even into the the orchestral direction. So that is where we would go next. I believe it will be easier for people to consume what we are doing with the orchestral album because that is plain orchestral with me singing and typical Blind Guardian songs, you will immediately recognize. And maybe even easier to consume than Beyond the Red Mirror because Red Mirror is very massive, very progressive. The next album will be very melodic, very intense but classical intense.

Hansi continued. "It's all new songs, we started with these songs when we did Nightfall in Middle-Earth. We got the first two songs back then and I was really pushing to have them on Nightfall in Middle-Earth and André Olbrich said they would not fit and Andre said why not work on a whole album in that style and we will release that in five years from now. So 20 years later we are still working on it but composing wise we are almost working on the second album after this one. The new orchestral album will be release in 2019 because we recorded a lot of shows last year and we are going to release a double live album in 2018."

Nightwish Interview- at Heavy Montreal Aug 6 2016

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