Canada's The Metal Voice recently spoke to Twisted Sister's Guitarist Jay Jay French.
Photo credit by Scott Braun 1983 Tour
Jay Jay French recalled the tale of touring with Queensryche, (on their first tour) in 1983, French remembers, "The tour we did with Queensryche was in 1983. They had been together for about a year and half, they got a great record deal and we had been together about 10 years. We met up with them in a parking lot in Kansas City. We came in a 16 passenger van and they came in a Silver Eagle tour bus . And I'm looking at this (their bus) tour bus and I said wow look at this and they said yeah, I said how long have you been together? They said oh a year, two years. I went how big was your record advance? They said two hundred thousand dollars. We (Twisted Sister) had no tour support. I said how old are you guys? About 19. So we're 30, they're 19. We've been going at it for 10 years they're together a year and a half. They have a tour bus and we had a van. They got a $200 000 record deal and we had like no tour support. I said to one of them, don't take this for granted. I said how many shows have you played? They said 12. I went 12? I said twelve hundred? They said no 12. I said what do you mean? Ozzy, three with Def Leppard three and so on. "
Jay Jay French continued," Anyways they were great by the way and they felt so bad for us they let us sleep on their bus because they had extra bunks, so we would revolve band members and sleep on their bus. They were like an American Iron Maiden, we did a whole tour of them. I watched them every night and they were great."
Full interview here
Twisted Sister and Queensryche Tour 1983

Photo Credit- Scott Braun

On Jan 26 2023 Twisted Sister will be inducted into The Metal Hall of Fame

The Metal Hall Of Fame is a non-profit organization that enshrines forever those iconic musicians, artists, music industry executives who are responsible for making hard rock and heavy metal music what it is today. Their contribution to the genre is invaluable, and they keep inspiring fans throughout the world, from generation to generation.
A special Rocavaka meet-and-greet with Snider, Rocavaka's brand ambassador, will take place after the induction ceremony where limited-edition Snider numbered Rocavaka bottles will be made available for purchase and signing.
Tickets are $35 in advance or $45 at the door via www.metalhalloffame.org
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