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  • The Metal Voice

Ex-Journey Drummer Says He Does Not think Steve Perry will Reunite w/ Journey

Alan Dixon from Canada's The Metal Voice interviewed The Dead Daisies guitarist Doug Aldrich (Dio, Whitesnake) and Deen Castronovo (Journey, Bad English, Ozzy) at Les Foufounes Électriques on August 26 2018 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada WATCH HERE

When asked about The Dead Daisies acoustic set before every gig on tour "We have been extremely busy, we are doing in store guitar Daisyland shows , which is a very casual acoustic set where everybody in the band takes a turn singing and we jam and mingle with the crowd" - Doug Aldrich "The whole premise of the free acoustic shows is we get really close to the fans, today you don't see that with a lot of bands, unless you pay the band money to see and meet them. We take pictures with the fans, talk to them and be with them, it's a cool thing. " - Deen Castronovo When asked what a fan would expect at a Dead Daisies show "We keep it loose cause we want people to have fun, we want the show to be interactive with the fans so we are kind of working together, it's like a party environment but of course we do take it serious we try really hard to get it right every night. " Doug Aldrich "No Egos, no drama, I love that about this band, everyone gets a long, we love doing this- Deen Castronovo When asked Deen Castronovo what he thinks of the rumour that Steve Perry will reunite with Journey "I talk to Neal Schon (Journey guitarist) on a weekly basis we are very close and we are still very tight. I don't think Steve Perry is going to come back, that's just what I hear from the Journey camp. I don't think Steve Perry wants to, why should he, he is frigin Steve Perry he doesn't need Journey's help anymore. His new song is brilliant I'm just glad he is back. " When asked Doug Aldrich about any unreleased Dio songs I know I have one song. Ronnie asked me to play guitar on a new song and they were thinking of package it with some Dio product that he and I worked on together as a tour promotion. He gave me a song and asked me to put guitar solo to and I did and brought it back then Ronnie told me forget about that song I have a new one and that song was Electra. Electra was the last song he recorded. but this other song that he passed on is really deep and haunting, Ronnie played bass on it, guitar on it, he sang on it and I put a solo on it and I think Simon programmed a drum machine."

The Dead Daisies and The Metal Voice Crew

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