Jimmy Kay from Canada’s The Metal Voice spoke to Armored Saint singer John Bush at Le Petit Campus Montreal, Quebec, Canada on July 15 2018. Bush Spoke about the upcoming Studio album by Armored Saint, the current tour, his contribution to the second upcoming Metal Allegiance album and the possibility of touring playing Anthrax songs from his era with the band.
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When asked about the musical direction of the song he sang on the new upcoming Metal Allegiance Album called Volume 2 Power Drunk Majesty “It’s cool it’s heavy it’s kind of like sounds old school but has a new school vibe to it. Cool riff it almost has a little Anthrax feel to it. It’s powerful some cool lyrics that Mark Menghi wrote about a Vietnam vet.” When asked about Armored’s Saints Plans and time line on new Album. “There is certainly a lot to write about, the way I usually write lyrics that are not about one particular topic. The songs I write have three different meanings running through them. I kind of feel if I am writing about a subject that is about a current time period, then it takes it away from being timeless. So I use metaphors and sometimes puns so there are double meanings. We have demoed five songs for the new album so far. I would like to get a new album out by the later part of 2019.” When asked about the possibility of him touring the Anthrax songs he sang on "The agent we have has been bugging me about doing this and I finally said I am open minded to doing. I am interested in doing some dates here and some dates there not a full 6 month tour. I have a few artists for this band, guitarist Paul Crook who was part of the recording of two of the Anthrax records (Vol 8 the threat is real, Stomp 442) I did. We shall see I am open to it."
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