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Keator Mille Petrozza would bring Iron Maiden Killers on Desert island as one pick


Jimmy Kay From Canada's The Metal Voice caught up with Mille Petrozza vocalist guitarist of Kreator in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on April 12 2017. Mille Spoke about his influences, how his music is a reflection of the world war events,responds to fan questions and Teutonic German 4 in Canada. In regards to his influences, in Brutal, Melody and Thrash Anything from the Beatles to Kate Bush, I listen to everything all kinds of music. I don't really think about it, when i write an album it's very spontaneous. I absorb a lot of music, I try not to sound like anyone else. On how his music as a reflection of the world war events I write about stuff that moves me on the inside , once my lyrics are done i can see it mirroring reality. A lot of artist write about personnel stuff, i do write personnel stuff but its very hidden. I avoid current events to pop up in my lyrics saying names or mentioning places or attacking certain people, I try to keep it more general and maybe that's why we could take Gods of violence as the soundtrack to the Syrian war, whereas as you could have taken Phantom Antichrist as the soundtrack of whatever was going on then. All my lyrics are reflective of stuff that is actually happening When asked what one album he would take on a desert Island, if he could only pick just one Iron Maiden, Killers When asked if the 4 German Teutonic bands will ever come to Canada on tour Its not up to me, that would be great wouldn't it, I would be into it

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