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Accept's Wolf Hoffmann Talks Balls to the Wall Tone-Interview


For Canada's The Metal Voice former singer of Anthrax, Neil Turbin (Deathriders, Bleed the Hunger) talks to guitarist Wolf Hoffmann of Accept at NAMM 2016 in Anaheim, California. Wolf showcases his Framus guitar line, talks Balls to the Wall guitar tone and new Accept album. When asked about his relationship with Framus "I have played V guitars all my life and by accident or by chance I met Hans-Peter Wilfer from Framus, we were just talking we were having a party at my house at the pool actually. And I said Hans-Peter if you want to really make me a guitar make me a V shaped guitar, he thought about it for a little while and he said. I can do it and that was about three years ago and it turned out better than anything I ever played." When asked about recording with Dieter Dirks "We were lucky enough to actually work with Dieter Dirks during Metal Heart and he was just a very knowledgeable guy who taught us a lot. We learned a lot working from him it was great. Those were the days when albums were done with everybody together for three, four weeks in the studio and studio time was very expensive. Everything had to be done in 4 weeks no matter what because your money and your budget was running out." When asked about the bands influences in the early days "We liked Judas Priest, we copied Judas Priest a lot. We always wanted to sound like a mix between Judas Priest, AC-DC and Deep Purple those were the three ingredients in our sound." When asked about the Balls to the Wall guitar tone "Everyone always asks about that tone but there really wasn't anything special. It was just old Marshall and a bunch of pedals. It's that riff that has that tone."

When asked if there was defining moments when they knew they had success "It was such a gradual thing over such a long time. There was never the one show. It was not like the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. It was a slow gradual build. But I can tell you coming to the United States in '84 that was a huge step in out career. It wasn't a single show but it was a single year. Balls to the Wall was coming out and we started touring the US opening for KISS, big arenas every night. For us coming from Germany it was amazing." When asked what the next steps for Accept "We are going to take some time off from touring and work on the new album, it will hopefully be ready next year. Last week Peter and I came up with the first couple of riffs.This year something will happen, something will have to be recorded."

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